Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I was roaming around the Walmart website and ran into recipes online. Who would ever guess! Looks like Walmart is putting together an Employee Cookbook. They've listed a few really yummy looking recipes on their website. Hey some of them look mighty tasty!!!

Check em out~http://walmart.triaddigital.com/Bake-Center-Event.aspx


Anonymous said...

The Almond Amaretto Cheese cake looks REAL GOOD!

alli-gal said...

I'm convinced that life would be nearly impossible to handle if I didn't have Wal-Mart to help me through every day....they can take care of all my needs...always!!!!

Believe it or not, I frequent Wal-mart probably at least three times a week on average, even though I live on the other side of the county.

sela said...

Oh my gosh! Are they all sweets? Yum! I want the pumpkin roll!